Wednesday, November 7, 2007


This is the Market Tote project from the Sew-It Kit by Amy Butler. Supplies- check!

These are all of the straps pinned up....I did 2 bags.

The dotted one has paisley interior and the paisley one has dotted interior!

I accidentally laid it out sideways, but things seem to have come out ok. These babies will be Christmas gifts, so if you're on my gift list, pay no attention!!

These are totally cool and I need to make at least five more! Then I get to make some for myself! You know, for groceries and stuff!

I love these fabrics and I love funky interiors. I attempted a hand-sewn red interior in a black medic bag when I was in high school. It came out ok for my skill level and for having no pattern, but these totes far surpass.



Floaty Toes said...

Oooh I like your fabric! What kind is it? Canvas?

Unknown said...

I'm not sure what it is... "interior design" fabric, whatever that is!! It's a little less rigid than canvas.